Friday, May 30, 2008


I am challenging myself to a great weekend...which includes...staying op, drinking plenty H2O, finishing week 2 of Couch to 5K (which should have been completed like a month ago...I just keep doing one or two of the workouts...then I have to start that week over), work in the flower beds, playing outside with the kids...the only thing is...TOM is creeping up anyday now...and this will definately be a challenge!!!I weighed this am...which really isn't fair since I worked last night...but I weighed 166.5...arrrrggg. I have to stay positive...and reassure myself that I have had some slip ups this week and TOM is around the corner...but that this is a journey and I just need to keep plugging along.Oh and my feet are sooooo swollen. I hate that when I am on my feet for the most part of 13 hrs my feet will swell. Sometimes it happens and sometimes it doesn't...I'm sure it happens more around my monthly feels like my feet are gonna POP right now!!! And no I don't have cankles...haha.I getting ready to take a nap for a couple of hours since I have been up since ummmm one something yesterday afternoon!! :~PI hope everyone has a wonderful Friday and a GREAT weekend!!

Here's to me and my iPod hitting the pavement...not literally!! :~P

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Good Day, Yummy Dinner, and a Wonderful Walk...

Okay...I feel like I really accomplished a lot today!! I went to the fruit/veggie stand...and spent $ goodness...atleast I know that it is good stuff going in my body!! Then I took my two growing boys grocery shopping at Wally-World...ummm I won't even go there with how much I spent...LOL! I did get some lean cuts of meat and I am really happy I have a stocked fridge and freezer. I used Roni's freezer method for my lean ground beef...I love packaging it that way.
I cleaned out the freezer...a bag of sugar had broken in the freezer and needless to say disaster!!! So, I finally took care of that and organized while I was at it!!
My son asked if he could clean the house today for $30 and I said oh yes you can (after I said cleaning all the bathrooms, dusting, vacuuming, mopping, etc....he agreed) he did that!!! YIPPPPPEEEE!!
I cooked dinner...and it was soooo good. My youngest son wanted stuffed bell that's one of the things we bought at the fruit/veggie stand...I have a picture but it was after I had taken a bite... the pic doesn't look the best. I just had to show you what I cooked....yum!!

Then after dinner the hubby and I took a nice walk...wasn't Couch to 5k...but it was nice. I had to keep telling hubby to speed it up...LOL!! here is my walk...

The only thing lacking today is the water intake...which I am working on and hopefully will meet my goal!!
Oh yeah...and I had to buy some Breyers ff ice cream (chocolate)...shame on me!! I hope I can eat just the serving size of 1/2 cup...haha!!
Hope everyone else had an awesome day!! :~P

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Twix Commercial

This is husband would say "this is a set up"....I love this I revert back to it thinking that is sooooo me....

Friday, May 23, 2008

Working Weekend makes for a funky Friday....

Hey to all...hope you have a fun, safe, and healthy Memorial Day weekend. I will be working Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights...yuckola! It always puts me in a funky mood on Friday knowing that everybody else is ending their week and I am just starting my week!!

Today has been a good day so far for eating...I say so far because I had to take a nap so when I'm sleeping I'm not screwing up!! :) I had my favorite toasted wrap and diet coke when I woke was yummy!!I won't be posting much this weekend because I will be working and sleeping...:). I am gonna go to the in-laws on Sunday evening before work...they are having a barbeque. That is the only thing I have planned this weekend except for working. Pretty boring I know!

Hopefully by the end of the weekend...because of the time constraints and walking so much at work....I hope to be down on the scale!! I was at 167 this morning when I weighed...up 2 from the other day. I keep telling myself...eating unhealthy + not exercising as much as I should = higher numbers on the freakin scale!!! One day it will sink in and I will follow. Actually, I have done good today and I have some Lean Cuisines and Smart Ones meals to bring to excuses to eat that cafeteria food!!!

Again...everyone have a great weekend!! :~)

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Do I have Sucker stamped across my forehead...

Well good day yesterday...and I am kicking myself right now for today already!! Sooo if you don't know it...I'm a mexican food lover!! Today was the kid's last day of school...we met the husband at everybody's favorite mexican rest. Well I got my taco al carbon...ate a few bites of the rice and none of the beans and only 1 1/2 of the al carbon...not terrible but...ordering the gets to me and someone at the table said dr. not even thinking...I go along...WHAT WAS I THINKING??? I am a sucker for full blown coke or dr. pepper. I have been doing so good with drinking diet coke (I know it's bad for you but so is living in cancer alley...haha)...and then I have a gallon of dr. pepper...not really but still. Okay my lunch I figured up to be points...12 points (the only thing I have eaten today)...not bad right...dr. pepper 6 points...that is TERRIBLE!! Then my wheels start spinning...already 18 points down the drain...then 300 empty calories on top of that...I could have eaten a bunch more for less!!! :(I stopped at the grocery after that meal and bought for dinner it's chicken, brown rice, and peas. I am to vow not to drink full blown soda...and what about my short term goal...okay I am going to stay on track...this is it. But like I stated in a post the other day...I did it, I own it, and I have to move on.I'm going to get on the treadmill...wonder how long it will take to burn those 300 hundred calories of dr pepper...stop it...stop it...

P.S. I finally got the husband to go on a walk after dinner last was so nice walking & talking and being able to just chill!! :~P

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

computer crash, end of school year, scarfing food, and which one to blog...

Hey everybody!! :~P I am still here. My title says it computer crashed so I had to reinstall it took a couple of days for that...because I procrastinated all weekend. But, I am happy to say my computer is up and running.

It is the end of the school year for the kids and can I tell you they are or should I say we are BUSY!! This is the last week and they are done after Thursday! I have to tell ya...they were saying that they don't have to go to school Thursday because it doesn't count as an absence anyway...and why would they make us go to school until 1030am...all we do is watch movies. So, the great MOM I am...I told them I contacted your teachers and Thursday is all they are thinkin yeah we don't have to go to school! I told them (they are almost 12 & 14 mind you) I talked to your teachers and ya'll are all set to stay the full school day until 230pm and help put away everything for the summer and help clean classrooms...they looked at me in horror!!! HAHA...then I told them I was just joking. They were VERY relieved to know that it was a joke. :~P

Ok...scarfing food...this one is hard to type so I have to give you the WHOLE story sorry. I worked last night...let me rewind and give you a day in the life of me working minus the end (I usually don't scarf)...I got out of bed from my nap at about 3pm...cooked dinner which is everybody's favorite *(see below bottom post)...ate a few nibbles here and there...had a few reduced fat Cheese Its...was running behind schedule...took a shower got ready and left the house at 5:35pm because I had to go by the mall for the ever so important free gift from Lancome...made it to work for clock-in at 6:38pm...WAS NOT hungry...worked and worked until 10pm and then my stomach was just a talkin to I went to Subway...was very good 6" turkey on wheat...baked lays...and a diet coke! Wellllllll when it came time for "lunch" at 1 am (when I normally eat when I work...not at 10pm)...I was NOT hungry. Okay...I got home at about 815am this morning...I was starving...I mean I was starving...I know you know what I am talking about that gnawing at the inside of your stomach...and I felt like I was going to die...yeah right...but that is what my little sleepy...stressed...hungry brain was telling me. I went through the kitchen like the tasmanian devil...and in no time I ate a Lean Cuisine chicken club pannini...a pack of peanut butter crackers...a glass of cran-grape juice (oh the calories and sugar before bed)...and oh a handful of reduced fat cheese its...oh then it's off to bed I go...because it's my night time. Can I tell you how embarrassed I felt for myself? I can't tell you how long it has been where I have just lost all self control and went through the kitchen like an uncontrollable 16 pound **chihuahua on prednisone...haha.'s's over with...I MUST move on and not let it replay in my brain like I do for things that happened at work when I am trying so hard to go to sleep!! :)

Ok...which one to blog...I did set up an account on Blog to Lose...I am debating whether to post on this one...that one...or both??? I like it...but I don't necessarily like the fact that people see your every post...change...addition...maybe I just don't adjust to change very well. I do love the concept and I do love the options it gives you...that was my only beef with it...but I could get over that minor issue quickly!! :) I do however consider this my first blog...I am so torn. I know I am being silly but it is kind of like a boyfriend...HEEELLLPPP!! I don't know...I will think about it some more. What do ya'll think...??

As far as the exercise front...I am going to get on the treadmill once I finish this post. I have been neglecting it and I feel soooo much better when I exercise!! :~P

The scale...the scale is still fluctuating between 164.5-167...what can I say...the episode this morning will not tip the scale in the direction I want it to. Note to self: Scarfing food will only get you higher numbers on the scale...oh and give you heartburn!! :)

Sorry for such a long post and rant...I just had so much to say...and now I feel like it is all off my chest!!!

*baked chicken breasts with tom. sauce...a little salt, pepper, garlic, and onions...with a little bit of 2% fancy shredded mozzarella cheese...yummy!
**My chihuahua has Pemphigus (yes, for he is not a is a skin or mucous membrane disorder that causes ulcerations...when not treated...not so wonderful) and is on prednisone and has been for the last 7-8 months and he has gained 7.5 pounds...and he is fierce when he is hungry. LOL

Monday, May 12, 2008

I've been missing...and I have lost...

HELLLLLLLOOOOOOOO EVERYBODY....I AM STILL ALIVE!!! :) I'm not yelling just trying to get your attention....haha. Well I have been really staying close to plan...I say close because I have a few bumps that have gotten in my way. I am happy to say I am down to 165!!!! YAAAAHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOO!!

We are going to Disney World in June and I really, really, really want to be in the 150's by then...and not just 159 because I already know how those vacations go!!! Also, I really hope that I can find descent food on the dining plan and at the resteraunts we chose!!! ;~P I am really excited about the trip...not excited about the HEAT and LOOOONNNGGG LINES though!! It's the hubby's first time going and the kids have only been to MK it's exciting.

On the couch to 5k program...well I am still on WEEK 2!! I made two of the workouts two weeks in a row...but not three...damn it! I have had a tooth that has been killing me and it pretty much has ruled my life...until I have my appointment at the dentist. Can I just say when it hurts and I workout the blood gets's just painful talking about it!! So anyway, I am going to try again this week. I am not beating myself up about it just because I know I am more active now and I am moving around more...but I really, really want to complete the program and I will!!

Happy late Mother's Day to all of you out there!! What did you get?? I got some really cool things...first of all I got a clean house...hello best present EVER...especially since I worked three nights in a row...then I got some cute pink wrist weights...and a yoga kit...can't wait to try it out!!! Also I got turn down husband is so cute. In the morning after a night of work (not all the time) he straightens the bed up and turns it down for me with my pajamas folded on the bed!! Awe he's so sweet! :)

Well, I hope everyone is on plan and doing great. ;~P